Field Trip Resources
- Geology
and VMS Deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt.
Jarriga, F.J.A.S. & de Carvalho, D., Ribeiro, A., 1997,
Introduction to the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The Society of Economic
Geologists Guidebook Series Volume 27, 1-20 p.
Almodovar, G. R., Pascual, E., Saez, R., and Toscano, M.,
1997, Eastern Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain): Tharsis, Rio Tinto,
and Aznocollar, in F.J.A.S. Barriga and D. Carvalho, eds.,
Geology and VMS Deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt: SEPM Guidebook
Series, Vol. 27, p. 125-192.
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Introduction to the Iberian Pyrite Belt, in F.J.A.S. Barriga
and D. Carvalho, eds., Geology and VMS Deposits of the Iberian
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1999, Bimodal siliciclastic systems-the case of the Iberian Pyrite
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Volcanic-associated Massive Sulfide Deposits: Processes and Examples
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Saez, R., Almodovar, G.R., and Pascual, E., 1996, Geological
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Marcoux, E., 1998, Lead isotope systematics of the
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Deposita, 33, 45-58.
Leistel, J.M., Marcoux, E., Thieblemont, D., Quesada, C.,
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1998, The volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits of the Iberian
Pyrite Belt, Mineralium Deposita, 33, 2-30.
Barriga, F. J. A. S., 1990, Metallogenesis in the Iberian
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Shelley, D., and Bossière, G., 2000, A new model
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of Structural Geology, v. 22, p. 757-776.
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A., 1977, The Neves Corvo Mine and the Paleozoic Geology
of Southwest Portugal, The Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook
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and Case Studies of Famous Discoveries, ECON. GEOL. MONOGRAPH
8, 314-334.
Silva, J.B., Oliveira, V., Matos, J. & Leitao, J.C.,
1997, Aljustrel and the Central Iberian Pyrite Belt. The
Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook Series Volume 27, 73-124.
Barriga, F.J.A.S. and Fyfe, W.S., 1998, Multi-phase
water-rhyolite interaction and ore fluid generation at Aljustrel,
Portugal, Mineralum Deposita, p. 187-207.
Aknidivarm G.R., Pascual, E., Saez, R., and Toscano, M.,
1997, Eastern Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain): Tharsis, Riotinto
and Aznalcollar. The Society of Economic Geologists Guidebook
Series Volume 27, 125-192.
Nehlig, P., Cassard, D., and Marcoux, E., 1998, Geometry
and genesis of feeder zones of massive sulphide deposits: constraints
from the Rio Tinto ore deposit (Spain), Mineralium Deposita,
33, 137-149.
Almodovar, G.R., Saez, R., Pons, J.M., Maestre, A., Toscano,
M., and Pascual, E., 1998, Geology and genesis of the Aznocollar
massive sulfide deposits, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain, Mineralium
Deposita, 33, 111-136.
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Massive Sulfide Deposit, Portugal, and Implications for Future
Discoveries. in Historical Perspectives of Genetic Concepts
and Case Studies of Famous Discoveries, ECON. GEOL. MONOGRAPH
8, 314-334.
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to mercury mineralization, Mineralium Deposita, v. 34 (2), pp
Hernandez, A., Jebrak, M., Higueras, P., Oyarzun, R., Morata,
D., Munha, J., 1999, The Almaden mercury mining district,
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Polya, D.A., Foxford, K.A., Stuart, F.M., Boyce, A. and
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83, 2, 335-354.
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