Inaugural Year SEGF Student-dedicated Field Trip Course Ore Deposits of Northern Nevada |
Welcome to the northern hemisphere inaugural SEGF Field Trip Course - Ore Deposits of Northern Nevada running May 10 to 18, 2007. The first field trip course in this series visited the ore deposits of Northern Chile and was a response to a student petition at the at the recent SEG Conference held in Keystone, Colorado, to provide more support for field trips to important mining districts. The Northern Nevada field trip is organized and co-lead by Drs. William X. Chávez, Jr. (New Mexico Tech) and Erich U. Petersen (University of Utah). The course starts in Reno (Airport code RNO) at 2:00 pm on Thursday the 10th at the Reno airport baggage claim area. We will depart from here at 2:15. We will visit a variety of gold deposits in Northern Nevada, USA. We will drive to Winnemucca where we will stay the first night at the Gold Country Inn in two vans. An orientation meeting will be held following dinner. The next day we will visit the Phoenix deposit south of Battle Mountain and travel to Elko, NV, where we will be based for several nights. Other deposits and districts that we will visit include, Cortez District, Carlin District, Chukar deposit, Leeville operations, Twin Creeks mine and deposits in the Turquoise Ridge /Getchell district. The field trip course ends in Reno on the evening of Thursday the17th with participants departing Reno on Friday the 18th. See itinerary for futher details. Entrance to the mine sites usually follows a specific protocol; please be patient. At the mines we will receive safety training and a geological/engineering presentation. Do not take any pictues of the presentations unless and until we clear this point with company personnel. Following the presentations we will enter the mine. We will ask, but in general, participants can take pictures and collect samples on company property. Participants are responsible for their own samples (be aware of weight limits if you plan to take samles back with you). See itinerary for hosted meals, but be aware that last-minute changes are possible. We will have VERY LIMITED. . . REPEAT: VERY LIMITED. . . . space for luggage, so you should bring clothing and field gear ONLY IN DUFFLE BAGS - NO HARD-SIDED LUGGAGE. The readings link contains some reading material you should review. When it becomes available please download the small guidebook that contains handouts that will be discussed during the course of the trip. See you in Reno, Home | Leaders | Participants | Sponsors | Photos | Maps | Student Information |